[WIP] ROS1の通信の仕組み調査

Table of Contents


ROS1 noeticの通常のインストールを完了させる。



mkdir -p colcon_ws/src
cd colcon_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/ros/ros_comm.git
colcon build --catkin-skip-building-tests --cmake-args=-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
source ~/colcon_ws/install/setup.bash


vscodeで、C/C++ Extensionをインストールしている場合、インクルードパスに以下のように追記する(user名は置き換え)。





ros::Publisher chatter_pub = n.advertise<std_msgs::String>("chatter", 1000);


* \brief Advertise a topic, simple version
* This call connects to the master to publicize that the node will be
* publishing messages on the given topic.  This method returns a Publisher that allows you to
* publish a message on this topic.
* This version of advertise is a templated convenience function, and can be used like so
*   ros::Publisher pub = handle.advertise<std_msgs::Empty>("my_topic", 1);
* \param topic Topic to advertise on
* \param queue_size Maximum number of outgoing messages to be
* queued for delivery to subscribers
* \param latch (optional) If true, the last message published on
* this topic will be saved and sent to new subscribers when they
* connect
* \return On success, a Publisher that, when it goes out of scope,
* will automatically release a reference on this advertisement.  On
* failure, an empty Publisher.
* \throws InvalidNameException If the topic name begins with a
* tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name, or is an
* otherwise invalid graph resource name
template <class M>
Publisher advertise(const std::string& topic, uint32_t queue_size, bool latch = false)
    AdvertiseOptions ops;
    ops.template init<M>(topic, queue_size); // template関数呼び出し
    ops.latch = latch;
    return advertise(ops);

ops.temprate init<M>(…)はテンプレート関数を明示的に呼び出す記述法らしい。このページに記載があった。



 * \brief templated helper function for automatically filling out md5sum, datatype and message definition
 * \param M [template] Message type
 * \param _topic Topic to publish on
 * \param _queue_size Maximum number of outgoing messages to be queued for delivery to subscribers
 * \param _connect_cb Function to call when a subscriber connects to this topic
 * \param _disconnect_cb Function to call when a subscriber disconnects from this topic
template <class M>
void init(const std::string& _topic, uint32_t _queue_size,
          const SubscriberStatusCallback& _connect_cb = SubscriberStatusCallback(),
          const SubscriberStatusCallback& _disconnect_cb = SubscriberStatusCallback())
  topic = _topic;
  queue_size = _queue_size;
  connect_cb = _connect_cb;
  disconnect_cb = _disconnect_cb;
  md5sum = message_traits::md5sum<M>();
  datatype = message_traits::datatype<M>();
  message_definition = message_traits::definition<M>();
  has_header = message_traits::hasHeader<M>();



Publisher NodeHandle::advertise(AdvertiseOptions& ops)
  // remapなど最終的なtopic名に書き換える処理
  ops.topic = resolveName(ops.topic);

  // callback_queueが登録されていなければ、登録。
  // その際、既に取得したものがあればそれを使用。
  if (ops.callback_queue == 0)
    if (callback_queue_)
      ops.callback_queue = callback_queue_;
      ops.callback_queue = getGlobalCallbackQueue();

  // latchの処理
  SubscriberCallbacksPtr callbacks(boost::make_shared<SubscriberCallbacks>(ops.connect_cb, ops.disconnect_cb, 
                                                                           ops.tracked_object, ops.callback_queue));

  Publisher pub(ops.topic, ops.md5sum, ops.datatype, ops.latch, *this, callbacks);

  if (ops.latch) {
    callbacks->push_latched_message_ = pub.getLastMessageCallback();

  // 最終的にTopicManagerというクラスのadvertizeに行き着く。
  // これがTopicの元締めのようだ。
  if (TopicManager::instance()->advertise(ops, callbacks))

      boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(collection_->mutex_);

    return pub;

  return Publisher();



XmlRpcValue args, result, payload;
args[0] = this_node::getName();
args[1] = ops.topic;
args[2] = ops.datatype;
args[3] = xmlrpc_manager_->getServerURI();  // XMLRPCManagerPtr
master::execute("registerPublisher", args, result, payload, true);